
Showing posts from March, 2017

Samadhi Movie, 2017 - Part 1 - "Maya, the Illusion of the Self"


What the Earth really looks ???


Underworld of Ireland


15-Dimensional Anatomy

15·Dimensional Anatomy Stair Step Creation is the organic process by and through which Source-God perpetually manifests itself through dimensionalization into individuated manifest expression, for the purpose of experiencing space- time-matter reality. Every being and thing in any manifest reality field comes into being through the process of Stair Step Creation. This organic process of Primal Creation Physics implies that every being, including humans, are directly, energetically and eternally connected to specific, fixed structures of multidimensional energy anatomy, and their corresponding interdimensional stations of conscious identity. Through these structures of multidimensional energy fields, within which the higher dimensional or "spiritual" portions of the personal identity are focused, every being is indelibly connected to the central, unified Source of creation or God. The process of personal evolution through the experiences of space, time and ma...

Metatronic Reversal

  Archangel Michael Matrix  By Lissa Renee. “This is incredibly difficult to express and so it is asked to be in neutrality and witness this information from an observational level. This way you will not be prone to attack it, however to utilize this information as a part of your informed awareness and self-empowerment as you move forward on the consciousness evolution path. Galactic Human evolution is requiring we take responsibility to see and witness things that have been hidden from us. This is one of those major revelations that is very painful and controversial and as such, it is requested to be aware of it and then make your own internal decision on what feels internally right for you. Being responsible for the direction of your being and claiming self-sovereignty and freedom for yourself as well as for others requires that we see all that is hidden, and we take responsibility for it, even when it’s painful or unpleasant.”   We mu...