Showing posts from August, 2016
Temporary Maharic Seal Bio-Regenesis Technique
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The Maharic Shield is the Foundation Technique for all other energy work for building bio-energetic field integrity and accelerating spiritual actualization. The D-12 Maharic Shield creates protection form interdimensional manipulation of our natural bio- neurological communication lines. As the Maharic Shield is composed of 10th, 11th and 12th Dimensional Scalar Grids (Mahara Hova Body), it contains within it the 144 Frequency Sub-harmonics of the entire 12-Dimensional Spectrum. Because of its 144 Sub-Harmonic scalar-wave spectrum, the 12th Dimensional level of the Maharic Shield can RESET the original, non-distorted imprint of Partiki Phasing flash-line sequences within the entire Kathara Grid 12-Tree. To restore the Imprint for Health within the Body-Mind-Spirit System, the Holographic Template of scalar-grids upon which the system manifests must be restored to its original function. Activating the Maharic Shield will open, activate an...
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Earth History 1 of 4
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- Other Apps Why is it referred to as Metatronic? The family known to many as Metatron is a ‘fallen angelic collective’ out of an entity. Many millions of your Earth years ago this collective was faced with a decision that ultimately lead to their demise. As a collective they chose to separate from Source light and as such this decision is known as ‘The Fall’ by which the beings are no longer connected to and receiving the flow of eternal source light, therefore altering their Kryst Code encryption configuration of perpetual motion and eternal life supply and breaking their link with God-Source infinite energy supply. Since the modified coding (metatronic) can not receive any more energy directly from Source, only a limited supply of energy remains within its own shield template functioning as a black-hole-system which forces it to suck energy from other systems and progr...
Simon Parkes on etheric implants and shields against mind control
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Rules and Balances
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Rules and Balances We have taught ourselves as a species many lessons about love by allowing that state of .relative perfection to go away. We have taught ourselves why love is worth standing for and worth working for. The way to do that is to recognize that this Krist template exists and it has a set of r ules and balances. They are not rules that say you have to do this and you cannot do that. They are rules that every unit of consciousness of God that comes into the manifestation framework understands exactly: what the Krist is, what the template is, and how it works. It works in a form of action and reaction. There will be consequence to action which includes every thought, for even thought is action. So everything, every being that ever came into this Time Matrix -it does not matter how much it might whine now about "nobody's being fair to me!" Everyone knew when they first came into manifestation what the rules of the game were. And the ru...
Are You Indigo?
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Your Starseed Awakening Have you ever caught yourself stargazing for no apparent reason? Have you ever wondered if your soul is from another star system? Did you ever feel like Earth is not your 'home' planet? If you answered yes to any of these, then you may be a starseed. The term starseed outwardly seems very hippyish, but when you dissect the truth behind the energy signatures that we were each born into, then you would already know that our zodiac signs and, consequently, specific planetary influences already control what we look like, our qualities and faults, our life challenges and so much more. However, while these planetary influences may only subjugate ourselves within this current incarnation to apply to specific traits and qualities, they also show how we "came from the stars". Thus, the question still remains, "What solar system did our sou...