Metatronic - Flower Of Life’ & ‘Tree Of Life’ Deceptions
Metatronic - Flower Of Life’ & ‘Tree Of Life’ Deceptions Note: Knowledge becomes Wisdom when aptly applied. When we become "wise of the God Presence Within," we will be joyfully surprised to discover that in the Eternal Rapture Domains, God has no " wrath " but only " allowance ," that in Its Perpetual Joy God LOVES, LAUGHS, DANCES, and SINGS... and in this way creation is perpetually reborn. This is what is commonly reffered to as the Flower of Life [FOL] , AKA: the Daisy of Death, and is somehow passed as ‘sacred’ geometry. The metatronic code problems began billions of years ago in another time matrix with the fall of a specific collective. The point is that the metatronic code is not a new thing and certainly the FOL was not something Drunvalo came up with. He is simply one of the contemporary sources who are promoting it. There are lots of wonderful things in Drunvalo’s teachings but the core of what he is gettin...
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